- First working day
in January - Begin accepting New Homestead Applications or making changes
to existing applications.
- February 1 - Last day
to pay real estate, personal property, and mobile home taxes without
a late fee.
- April 1 - Last day
to file for homestead exemption.
- April 1 - Last day
for businesses to file personal property renditions.
- July 15 - Land rolls
and personal property rolls open for public inspection.
- July 31 - Last day
to pay real estate taxes to keep them from being published in the newspaper.
- First Monday in August
- Deadline to file valuation appeals with the board of supervisors for
both real and personal properties.
- Last Monday in August
- Property tax sale of all delinquent accounts.
- October 1 - New millage
rates go into effect.
- Middle of December
- Begin collecting real and personal property taxes.